Payment Questions

Payment Questions:

UWCU + EatStreet

Sep 25th, 2024 • Payment Questions

How do I update my saved credit card information?

Sep 25th, 2024 • Payment Questions

How do I add or delete saved credit card information?

Sep 25th, 2024 • Payment Questions

Can I save my payment information?

Sep 25th, 2024 • Payment Questions

Are tips included in the total?

Sep 25th, 2024 • Payment Questions

What are the additional fees for?

Sep 25th, 2024 • Payment Questions

My refund/credit is incorrect.

Sep 25th, 2024 • Payment Questions

Why am I seeing multiple charges for the same order?

Sep 25th, 2024 • Payment Questions

Why is there a delivery fee?

Sep 25th, 2024 • Payment Questions

Can I add/update a tip after I receive my food?

Sep 25th, 2024 • Payment Questions

Who does my tip go to?

Sep 25th, 2024 • Payment Questions